The Poker Bookie

A journal dedicated to my exploits into Poker, Sports Betting, and Thoroughbred Racing

Location: Bloomington, Illinois, United States

Monday, August 02, 2004

Poker Blues

I am going to make this as short as possible. Another losing week. Lost $370 this week.

Here is the need for keeping good records when you play. I felt like I did alright throughout the week and even placed in a couple of multis including one final table. Although, I knew that this weekend was bad....I didn't really know how bad until running all the numbers. I can see how most poker players who do not keep good records think that they are winners when in reality they are not.

If I didn't know any better, I would join the idiots on RGP who claims that online poker is rigged. That's how bad I was running this weekend. No matter how strong my starting hands were or how much of a monster I flop, the river always did me in. The only thing that I have to look forward to today is that I can start a new fesh spreadsheet for the week and forget about trying to climb uphill. Time to regroup!


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